ORKConsentSignatureResult Class Reference

Inherits from ORKResult : NSObject
Declared in ORKConsentSignatureResult.h

The ORKConsentSignatureResult class represents a signature obtained during a consent review step (ORKConsentReviewStep). The consent signature result is usually found as a child result of the ORKStepResult object for the consent review step.

You can apply the result to a document to facilitate the generation of a PDF including the signature, or for presentation in a follow-on consent review.

A consent signature result is typically generated by the framework as the task proceeds. When the task completes, it may be appropriate to serialize it for transmission to a server, or to immediately perform analysis on it.


A copy of the signature obtained.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) ORKConsentSignature *signature


The signature is a copy of the signature property in the originating ORKConsentReviewStep object, but also includes any name or signature image collected during the consent review step.

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A boolean value indicating whether the participant consented.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL consented


YES if the user confirmed consent to the contents of the consent review. Note that the signature could still be invalid if the name or signature image is empty; this indicates only that the user gave a positive acknowledgement of the document.

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– applyToDocument:

Applies the signature to the consent document.

- (void)applyToDocument:(ORKConsentDocument *)document



The document to which to apply the signature.


This method uses the identifier to look up the matching signature placeholder in the consent document and replaces it with this signature. It may throw an exception if the document does not contain a signature with a matching identifier.

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