ORKConsentReviewStep Class Reference

Inherits from ORKStep : NSObject
Declared in ORKConsentReviewStep.h

The ORKConsentReviewStep class is used to represent the consent review process. Typically, the consent review process consists of three main parts:

  1. Consent document review. In this part, you display the consent document for review. Users must explicitly agree to the consent document before they can proceed.

  2. Name entry (optional). Users are asked to enter their first and last name. To request name entry in your app, set the step’s signature property, and ensure that the signature’s requiresName property is set to YES.

  3. Signature (optional). Users are asked to draw their signature on the device screen. To request signature entry in your app, set the step’s signature property, and ensure that the signature’s requiresName property is set to YES.

The content for the consent document review comes from a consent document (ORKConsentDocument) provided during initialization.

To use a consent review step, configure it and include it in a task. Then present the task in a task view controller.


– initWithIdentifier:signature:inDocument:

Returns an initialized consent review step using the specified identifier, signature, and consent document.

- (instancetype)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier signature:(nullable ORKConsentSignature *)signature inDocument:(ORKConsentDocument *)consentDocument



The identifier for the step.


The signature to be collected, if any.


The consent document to be reviewed.

Return Value

An initialized consent review step.

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The consent document to be reviewed by the user during the consent review process. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) ORKConsentDocument *consentDocument

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The signature object from the document that should be collected. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) ORKConsentSignature *signature


When the value of signature is nil, neither the name nor the finger scrawl are collected. When the value of signature is not nil, the requiresName and requiresSignatureImage properties of signature determine the screens that get presented.

The identifier of the signature is expected to match one of the signature objects in the consent document.

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When set to YES, the consent document must be scrolled to the bottom to enable the Agree button.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL requiresScrollToBottom

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A user-visible description of the reason for agreeing to consent in a localized string.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *reasonForConsent


The reason for consent is presented in the confirmation dialog that users see when giving their consent.

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