ORKTask Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in ORKTask.h

The ORKTask protocol defines a task to be carried out by a participant in a research study. To present the ResearchKit framework UI in your app, instantiate an object that implements the ORKTask protocol (such as ORKOrderedTask) and provide it to an ORKTaskViewController object.

Implement this protocol to enable dynamic selection of the steps for a given task. By default, ORKOrderedTask implements this protocol for simple sequential tasks.

Each step (ORKStep) in a task roughly corresponds to one screen, and represents the primary unit of work in any task presented by a task view controller. For example, an ORKQuestionStep object corresponds to a single question presented on screen, together with controls the participant uses to answer the question. Another example is ORKFormStep, which corresponds to a single screen that displays multiple questions or items for which participants provide information, such as first name, last name, and birth date.

Each step corresponds to one ORKStepViewController object, which may manage child view controllers in a particular sequence. The correspondence of step to view controller holds even though some steps, such as ORKVisualConsentStep and ORKConsentReviewStep, can produce multiple screens.

  identifier required method

The unique identifier for this task.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *identifier


The identifier should be a short string that identifies the task. The identifier is copied into the ORKTaskResult objects generated by the task view controller for this task. You can use a human-readable string for the task identifier or a UUID; the exact string you use depends on your app.

In the case of apps whose tasks come from a server, the unique identifier for the task may be in an external database.

The task view controller uses the identifier when constructing the task result. The identifier can also be used during UI state restoration to identify the task that needs to be restored.

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– stepAfterStep:withResult: required method

Returns the step after the specified step, if there is one.

- (nullable ORKStep *)stepAfterStep:(nullable ORKStep *)step withResult:(ORKTaskResult *)result



The reference step. Pass nil to specify the first step.


A snapshot of the current set of results.

Return Value

The step that comes after the specified step, or nil if there isn’t one.


This method lets you use a result to determine the next step.

The task view controller calls this method to determine the step to display after the specified step. The task view controller can also call this method every time the result updates, to determine if the new result changes which steps are available.

If you need to implement this method, take care to avoid creating a confusing sequence of steps. As much as possible, use ORKOrderedTask instead.

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– stepBeforeStep:withResult: required method

Returns the step that precedes the specified step, if there is one.

- (nullable ORKStep *)stepBeforeStep:(nullable ORKStep *)step withResult:(ORKTaskResult *)result



The reference step. Pass nil to specify the last step.


A snapshot of the current set of results.

Return Value

The step that precedes the reference step, or nil if there isn’t one.


The task view controller calls this method to determine the step to display before the specified step. The task view controller can also call this method every time the result changes, to determine if the new result changes which steps are available.

If you need to implement this method, take care to avoid creating a confusing sequence of steps. As much as possible, use ORKOrderedTask instead. Returning nil prevents the user from navigating back to a previous step.

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– stepWithIdentifier:

Returns the step that matches the specified identifier.

- (nullable ORKStep *)stepWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier



The identifier of the step to restore.

Return Value

The step that matches the specified identifier.


Implementing this method allows state restoration of a task to a particular step. If you don’t implement this method, ORKTaskViewController restores the state to the first step of the task.

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– progressOfCurrentStep:withResult:

Returns the progress of the current step.

- (ORKTaskProgress)progressOfCurrentStep:(ORKStep *)step withResult:(ORKTaskResult *)result



The current step.


A snapshot of the current set of results.

Return Value

The current step’s index and the total number of steps in the task, as an ORKTaskProgress object.


During a task, the task view controller can display the progress (that is, the current step number out of the total number of steps) in the navigation bar. Implement this method to control what is displayed; if you don’t implement this method, the progress label does not appear. If the returned ORKTaskProgress object has a count of 0, the progress is not displayed.

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– validateParameters

Validates the task parameters.

- (void)validateParameters


The implementation of this method should check that all the task parameters are correct. An invalid task is considered an unrecoverable error: the implementation should throw an exception on parameter validation failure. For example, the ORKOrderedTask implementation makes sure that all its step identifiers are unique, throwing an exception otherwise.

This method is usually called by a task view controller when its task is set.

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The set of HealthKit types that steps in the task need to be able to read. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSSet<HKObjectType*> *requestedHealthKitTypesForReading


The value of this property is a set of HKObjectType values to request for reading from HealthKit during this task. After the last of the initial instruction steps, the task view controller requests access to these HealthKit types.

To set this property, you can scan the steps in the task and collate the HealthKit types that are requested by each active step, question, or form step that has a Health answer format, and then include any additional types known to be required. (Note that ORKOrderedTask does something similar for this property.)

See also: requestedHealthKitTypesForWriting.

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The set of HealthKit types for which the task needs to request write access.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSSet<HKObjectType*> *requestedHealthKitTypesForWriting


The requested HKObjectType values for writing can be returned by an extended task, to request write access to these HealthKit types together with the read access requested by the task view controller by calling requestedHealthKitTypesForReading.

See also: requestedHealthKitTypesForReading.

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The set of permissions requested by the task.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) ORKPermissionMask requestedPermissions


By default in ORKOrderedTask object, these permissions are collected from the recorder configurations associated with the active steps in the task.

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A Boolean value indicating whether this task involves spoken audio prompts. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL providesBackgroundAudioPrompts


If the value of this property is YES, the shared AVAudioSession is configured for playback in the background. The audio UIBackgroundMode value must be set in the application’s Info.plist file for this to be effective.

By default, this property looks for active steps that have audio prompts or count down enabled, and returns YES if such steps exist in the task.

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