ORKReviewStep Class Reference

Inherits from ORKStep : NSObject
Declared in ORKReviewStep.h

The ORKReviewStep class is a concrete subclass of ORKStep that represents a step in which existing question results can be reviewed by the user.

There are two separate scenarios for using ORKReviewStep. The first one is to embed a review step within an ongoing survey, which means an instance of ORKReviewStep might be placed at the end or in the middle of a task. The second scenario is meant to use ORKReviewStep standalone for reviewing an already completed task.

To use a review step, instantiate an ORKReviewStep object, fill in its properties, and include it in a task. Next, create a task view controller for the task and present it.

When a task view controller presents an ORKReviewStep object, it instantiates an ORKReviewStepViewController object to present the step. This view controller lists both steps and step results to provide all entered data at a glance. It also allows the user to navigate directly to a certain step. However, results may only be changed from there, if the review step is used within an ongoing survey (embedded).

+ standaloneReviewStepWithIdentifier:steps:resultSource:

Returns a new standalone review step that includes the specified identifier, steps, and result source.

+ (instancetype)standaloneReviewStepWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier steps:(NSArray *)steps resultSource:(id<ORKTaskResultSource,NSSecureCoding>)resultSource



The identifier of the step (a step identifier should be unique within the task).


The steps that should be reviewed. Currently, only question, instruction and form steps can be reviewed. Any other step type will be ignored.


The source that should be consulted to obtain the corresponding step results.

Declared In


+ embeddedReviewStepWithIdentifier:

Returns a new embedded review step that includes the specified identifier. Steps and step results are directly taken from the current task.

+ (instancetype)embeddedReviewStepWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier



The identifier of the step (a step identifier should be unique within the task).

Declared In



The steps to be reviewed. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<ORKStep*> *steps


This property contains all steps that are included in the review process. Currently, only question, instruction and form steps can be reviewed. Any other step type will be ignored.

Declared In



The result source to obtain step results from. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) id<ORKTaskResultSource,NSSecureCoding> resultSource


This property contains the source that should be consulted to obtain step results.

Declared In



A Boolean value indicating whether instruction steps should be excluded from review.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL excludeInstructionSteps


The default value of this property is NO. When the value is YES, any instances of ORKInstructionStep are excluded from the review step in either embedded or standalone mode.

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