ORKHealthKitCharacteristicTypeAnswerFormat Class Reference

Inherits from ORKAnswerFormat : NSObject
Declared in ORKHealthAnswerFormat.h

The ORKHealthKitCharacteristicTypeAnswerFormat class represents an answer format that lets participants enter values that correspond to a HealthKit characteristic type.

The actual UI used for collecting data with this answer format depends on the HealthKit type being collected. The default value displayed in the UI is the most recent value received from HealthKit, if such a value exists. When a step or item is presented using this answer format, authorization is requested unless the property shouldRequestAuthorization is set to NO.

You can use the HealthKit characteristic answer format to let users autofill information, such as their blood type or date of birth.

+ answerFormatWithCharacteristicType:

Returns a new answer format for the specified HealthKit characteristic type.

+ (instancetype)answerFormatWithCharacteristicType:(HKCharacteristicType *)characteristicType



The characteristic type to collect.

Return Value

A new HealthKit characteristic type answer format instance.

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– initWithCharacteristicType:

Returns an initialized HealthKit characteristic type answer format using the specified characteristic type.

- (instancetype)initWithCharacteristicType:(HKCharacteristicType *)characteristicType



The characteristic type to collect.

Return Value

An initialized HealthKit characteristic type answer format.


This method is the designated initializer.

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Should authorization be requested for the associated HealthKit data type. Default = YES.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL shouldRequestAuthorization

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The HealthKit characteristic type to be collected by this answer format. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) HKCharacteristicType *characteristicType

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The default date shown by the date picker.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDate *defaultDate


Only used for the HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth characteristic type. The date is displayed in the user’s time zone. If you set this property to nil, the date picker will default to the date representing 35 years before the current date.

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The minimum date that is allowed by the date picker.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDate *minimumDate


Only used for the HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth characteristic type. If you set this property to nil, the date picker will use the date representing 150 years before the curent date as its minimum date.

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The maximum date that is allowed by the date picker.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDate *maximumDate


Only used for the HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth characteristic type. If you set this property to nil, the date picker will use the date representing 1 day after curent date as its maximum date

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The calendar used by the date picker.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSCalendar *calendar


Only used for the HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth characteristic type. If you set this property to nil, the date picker will use the default calendar for the current locale.

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