ORKActiveStepViewController Class Reference

Inherits from ORKStepViewController : UIViewController
Conforms to ORKRecorderDelegate
Declared in ORKActiveStepViewController.h

The ORKActiveStepViewController class is the base class for displaying ORKActiveStep subclasses. The predefined active tasks defined in ORKOrderedTask all make use of subclasses of ORKActiveStep, paired with ORKActiveStepViewController subclasses.

An active step view controller is typically instantiated by a task view controller when it encounters an active step in a task. Active steps generally include some form of sensor-driven data collection, or involve some highly interactive content, such as a cognitive task or game.

Examples of active step view controller subclasses include ORKWalkingTaskStepViewController, ORKCountdownStepViewController, ORKSpatialSpanMemoryStepViewController, ORKFitnessStepViewController, and ORKAudioStepViewController.

The primary feature that active step view controllers enable is life cycle. After an active step is presented, it can be started to start a timer. When the timer expires, the step is considered finished. Some steps may have the concept of suspend and resume, such as when the app is put in the background, and during which data recording is temporarily paused. These life cycle methods generally apply to any recorders being used to record data from the device’s sensors, but they should also be applied to any UI being displayed to clearly indicate when data is being collected for the task.

When you develop a new active step, you should subclass ORKActiveStepViewController and define your specific UI. When subclassing, pay special attention to the life cycle methods, start, finish, suspend, and resume. Also, be sure to test for the expected behavior when the user suspends and resumes the app, during task save and restore, and during UIKit’s UI state restoration.

See also: ORKActiveStep.

UI Customization


The custom view for the active step.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) UIView *customView


Attach a custom view here, and implement sizeThatFits: or use intrinsicContentSize or provide constraints that request the size needed for the custom view within the active step’s layout.

Custom views can be used for visual instructions with animation, or for getting interactive input.

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The image view for the active step. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) UIImageView *imageView


The image view is created on demand when this property is accessed, and is a shortcut to display an image in the custom area of an active task (that is, instead of using customView).

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Data collection


The array of recorders currently in use by the active step. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) NSArray *recorders


Recorders are generated when the step starts, based on the recorder configurations of the step. Each recorder is an instance of ORKRecorder, and is created by the active step view controller using the array of recorder configurations in the step.

See also: ORKRecorderConfiguration and ORKActiveStep.

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Active step life cycle


A Boolean value that indicates whether the step has finished. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isFinished) BOOL finished


If the step is considered finished, the Continue button is enabled and the Skip button is hidden. When the step is not finished, the Continue button is disabled and the Skip button is visible.

In addition, when a step is finished, all recorders are stopped.

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A Boolean value that indicates whether the step has started. (read-only)

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isStarted) BOOL started


If the step has not yet started, recorders are not yet running, and time is not counted against the duration of the step.

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– stepDidFinish

Tells the view controller that the active step has finished.

- (void)stepDidFinish


This method is an override point for subclasses, called by the base class when the step has just finished.

The default implementation does nothing except in the case of steps that have countdown enabled. When countdown is enabled in a step, the view controller attempts to navigate automatically to the next step, if so configured.

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A Boolean value that indicates whether to suspend the step if the app is not active or the screen is off.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL suspendIfInactive


Active steps that require the screen in order to work should suspend recording when the app goes into the background. Other active steps require the step to continue while the app is in the background. For example, the fitness check active step continues to collect data while the screen is off, and continues to give voice prompts.

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– start

Starts the active step.

- (void)start


Call this method to start the timer on the active step, if there is one, and to start any data recording.

When you start the step, recorders are instantiated based on their configurations and then started. All timers should start, and the UI should show users that the step is in progress.

This method does nothing if the step has already started.

Subclasses should super when overriding this method.

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– suspend

Suspends the active step.

- (void)suspend


Call this method to suspend data recording and the step’s timer.

This method may called automatically when the app is suspended. The view controller can be configured not to suspend even if the app goes into the background (for more information, see suspendIfInactive).

Subclasses should call super when overriding this method.

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– resume

Resumes the active step.

- (void)resume


Call this method when the step should be resumed. Calls to this method should be paired with previous calls to suspend.

This method may be called automatically when the app is resumed. The view controller can be configured not to suspend even if the app goes into the background (for more information, see suspendIfInactive).

When the step is resumed, the UI should resume at the point where the user left off, or, if that does not make sense for the particular step, to the most recent suitable point.

Subclasses should call super when overriding this method.

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– finish

Finishes the active step.

- (void)finish


Call this method to finish the active step. If the active step is configured with a timer, this method is called automatically when the timer expires.

Finishing the active step stops all data recording and stops any timers. In steps that have the shouldContinueOnFinish property set, forward navigation to the next step may ensue.

This method does nothing if the step has already finished.

Subclasses should call super when overriding this method.

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Recorder life cycle

– recordersDidChange

Tells the view controller that the set of recorders changed.

- (void)recordersDidChange


This method is usually called by the active step view controller in response to start or resume.

Subclasses may override this method.

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– recordersWillStart

Tells the view controller that the recorders are about to start.

- (void)recordersWillStart


This method is called by the active step view controller after instantiating the recorders, but before starting them.

Subclasses may override this method.

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– recordersWillStop

Tells the view controller that the recorders are about to stop.

- (void)recordersWillStop


This method is called by the active step view controller before stopping the recorders.

Subclasses may override this method.

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– prepareStep

Tells the view controller that the step has been loaded and is about to start.

- (void)prepareStep


This method is called by the active step view controller just after the step has been set. The base implementation instantiates the recorders and timer but does not start them.

Subclasses may override this method, but must also call super.

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