
public final class RSDDefaultAudioSessionController : NSObject, RSDAudioSessionController

The default audio session controller for iOS applications that use background audio.

  • The audio session is a shared pointer to the current audio session (if running). This is used to allow background audio. Background audio is required in order for an active step to play sound such as voice commands to a participant who make not be looking at their screen.

    For example, a Walk and Balance task that measures gait and balance by having the participant walk back and forth followed by having them turn in a circle would require turning on background audio in order to play spoken instructions even if the screen is locked before putting the phone in the participant’s pocket.


    The application settings will need to include setting capabilities appropriate for background audio if this feature is used.



    public private(set) var audioSession: AVAudioSession? {
  • Start the background audio session if needed. This will look to see if audioSession is already started and if not, will start a new session.



    public func startAudioSessionIfNeeded()
  • Stop the audio session.



    public func stopAudioSession()