
open class RSDStudyConfiguration

The study configuration is intended as a shared singleton that contains any information that should be applied to the entire study that may effect the presentation of a given module.

  • Singleton for the study configuration for a given app.



    public static var shared: RSDStudyConfiguration
  • How often should a given task be displayed to the user with the full instructions? (Default = always)

    Setting this flag to always will result in modules that use this flag showing the full instruction sequence for every run. This can be used both to test the instruction flow as well as where a study uses the same mobile device for multiple participants and needs to display the instructions every time.

    Setting this flag to another value will result in modules that use this flag showing an abbreviated set of instructions for subsequent runs so that complicated and/or lengthy instructions can be limited to only being displayed sometimes (first run, on demand, etc.) rather than every time the same user runs the module. For this case, the frequency with which the app shows the full instructions is determined by the frequency type. For example, if set to monthly then the user is shown the full instructions once per month.



    open var fullInstructionsFrequency: RSDFrequencyType
  • Declaration


    open var alwaysShowFullInstructions: Bool { get }
  • Is this device tied to a single participant or is the device being used in a study where there is a single mobile device that is being used to run tasks for multiple participants, such as a device used as part of a Phase 1 or Preclinical trial? (Default = true)



    open var isParticipantDevice: Bool
  • The default color palette to use for this app.



    open var colorPalette: RSDColorPalette { get set }
  • Has the color palette been set for this app or is it set to the default?



    public private(set) var hasSetColorPallette: Bool {
  • The default font rules for this app.



    open var fontRules: RSDFontRules
  • A flag for whether or not tasks that support remind me later should show that action. (Default = false)



    open var shouldShowRemindMe: Bool