
public protocol RSDTrackingRule : AnyObject

A tracking rule is used to track changes that are applied during a task that should be saved at the end of the the overall task. By definition, these rules can mutate and should be handled using pointers rather than using structs.

  • Asks the conditional rule what the identifier is for the next step to display after the given step is displayed.

    If only this step should be skipped, then return RSDIdentifier.nextStep. If the section should be skipped then return RSDIdentifier.nextSection.



    func skipToStepIdentifier(before step: RSDStep, with result: RSDTaskResult?, isPeeking: Bool) -> String?



    The step about to be displayed.


    The current task result.


    Is this navigation rule being called on a result for a step that is navigating forward or is it a step navigator that is peeking at the next step to set up UI display? If peeking at the next step then this parameter will be true.

    Return Value

    The identifier of the next step to display.

  • Asks the conditional rule what the identifier is for the next step to display after the given step is displayed.



    func nextStepIdentifier(after step: RSDStep?, with result: RSDTaskResult?, isPeeking: Bool) -> String?



    The step that just finished.


    The current task result.


    Is this navigation rule being called on a result for a step that is navigating forward or is it a step navigator that is peeking at the next step to set up UI display? If peeking at the next step then this parameter will be true.

    Return Value

    The identifier of the next step.