
@available(*, deprecated)
open class RSDPopoverInputFieldObject : RSDFormUIStepObject, RSDPopoverInputField, RSDCopyInputField

RSDPopoverInputFieldObject is a wrapper for a form step that allows it to conform to the input field protocol. This is intended to allow a model that shows summary information about the input field in a main view controller and using a modal presentation style to actually input the fields.

  • A localized string that displays a short text offering a hint to the user of the data to be entered for this field. This is displayed at the parent level before showing the modal view controller that is used for inputing the answer.



    public var inputPrompt: String?
  • Additional detail about this input field. This is displayed at the parent level before showing the modal view controller that is used for inputing the answer.



    public var inputPromptDetail: String?
  • Placeholder text to display in the table cell or button that is displayed prior to entering an answer. This is displayed at the parent level before showing the modal view controller that is used for inputing the answer.



    public var placeholder: String?
  • Declaration


    override open func validate() throws