ORKConsentReviewStepViewController Class Reference

Inherits from ORKStepViewController : UIViewController
Declared in ORKConsentReviewStepViewController.h

The ORKConsentReviewStepViewController class is a step view controller subclass used to manage a consent review step (ORKConsentReviewStep).

You should not need to instantiate a consent review step view controller directly. Instead, include a consent review step in a task, and present a task view controller for that task.

– initWithConsentReviewStep:result:

Returns an initialized consent review step view controller using the specified review step and result.

- (instancetype)initWithConsentReviewStep:(ORKConsentReviewStep *)consentReviewStep result:(nullable ORKConsentSignatureResult *)result



The configured review step.


The initial or previous results for the review step, as appropriate.

Declared In
